Frequently asked questions

Listed below are our most frequently asked questions, if you have a query about our courses, it maybe answered here. Of course, please feel free to contact us if you have a question that isn’t answered here or if you are unsure about anything.

How can I book?

A confirmed booking can be made in 1 of 3 easy ways:

  1. Book through our website – all our course pages have a ‘Book Now’ button that you can use to book on the course.
  2. Send your details including delegate name, job title and full contact details to our contact form here
  3. Telephone us directly on +44 (0)20 7749 4730

Are there discounts available for multiple bookings?

All of our courses have an early booking discount so it is advisable to register as early as possible to get the best possible rate.

To help you make more of your training budget, we also offer significant discounts when your colleagues attend a course with you:

  • 30% off the second delegate
  • 40% off the third delegate
  • 50% off the fourth delegate

Please note only one discount can be applied to a delegate, so if you are booking within the early booking discount window, discounts for 2nd/3rd/4th delegates will be based on the full course price.

If you wish to book more than 4 delegates, please contact us for pricing, or to discuss how we may be able to deliver the course in-house.

How can I make a payment?

Payment can be made in 1 of 3 easy ways:-

  • Via bank transfer – please see below for our bank account details
  • Send a cheque – please quote our invoice number and make cheques payable to Management Forum Ltd
  • Credit/Debit Card – card payment may be made through your online account or alternatively, please call us on +44 (0)20 7749 4730 with the details

What are the Management Forum bank details?

Our bank account is specific to your billing currency so please check your invoice for the correct bank and VAT details.

What is the VAT rate?

The UK VAT rate is now 20% and any course places booked will be charged VAT at this rate.

As an international delegate how can I reclaim VAT?

If you are an EU organisation registered for VAT in your own country please supply your VAT/Tax when registering. VAT will be charged but you can reclaim the VAT payable through HM Revenue and Customs. For more detailed information please see.

How can I create an account with Management Forum?

On the home page, please click on the “Register” button and complete all fields marked as required. After submitting the form, a confirmation email will be sent to the provided address.

Companies in our group share a single account so you do not need to register again if you are already registered with Falconbury, Management Forum or Thorogood Publishing.

I have forgotten my password. What can I do?

On the home page, please click on the “Forgot password?” button and provide your email address which was used to register. A password reminder will be sent to the email address. You can also contact the Customer Services team and ask to have the password reminder sent to your email address.

How can I update the details in my account?

After logging into your account, click on “My account” and then “Edit my details”.

What is the dress code?

The dress code for all our courses is smart casual. We want to ensure you can focus fully on the training and get the most out of the course so please make sure you wear comfortable attire.

Is there accommodation nearby, at what price and how can I book it?

If the venue has been confirmed for the course there is a link on the event page to a dedicated webpage that will advise of the preferential booking rate arranged and alternatives in the area. We also have a list of hotels that we partner with for accommodation. For further information don’t hesitate to contact our customer services team via out contact form

Where is the course held? What time does the course start and end?

Your booking confirmation will tell you the name and address of the venue at which your course is taking place, and the start and end times. Alternatively, if you navigate to the page for the course on this site, it will show this information and, in most cases, provide a link to a map.

I am registered to a course. How do I access the timetable?

The timetable of each event is available approximately a week prior the course. After logging to your account, please click on “My enrolments” and “View details” next to the course name. Additionally, an email with the timetable is sent to all the delegates before each event.

Will I receive a certificate?

Upon completion of a Management Forum public or on-line learning course all delegates will be awarded a certificate of attendance for continuing professional development purposes. You can download your certificate from your account, or contact us if you would like us to send it to you.

How do I get into London from Heathrow/Gatwick/Stansted/City airport?

Take Heathrow Express to Paddington departs every 15 minutes and takes approximately 15 minutes
For more information –
The Piccadilly underground line also runs directly from Heathrow Airport to central London
For more information –

Take the Gatwick Express to London Victoria departs every 15 minutes and takes approximately 30 minutes
For more information –

Take the Stansted Express to Liverpool Street departs every 15 minutes and takes approximately 45 minutes
For more information –

Flying to London City Airport brings you closest to the City, with the airport located in East London.
For more information –

Can I cancel or transfer my booking?

Depending on how soon it is to the date of your course, you may be able to cancel or transfer to a later date. Please see our booking terms for more details. Note that if you are unable to attend, you may name a substitute delegate at any time.

Is lunch included in the price?

Lunch and refreshments during the day are included in the overall price.

The course I am attending is residential – what does this include?

All residential courses include accommodation – the number of nights varies depending on the length of the course – please check individual course listings for more information. Please bear in mind that on some courses there may be evening work.

How do I access my certificate of attendance for a course?

Your certificate of attendance may be downloaded from your online account after both the payment and the course evaluation form have been completed. The evaluation form may be completed on paper at the event or online within your Management Forum account. If you complete the paper form, our customer service team will input your answers into your online account 1-2 days after the event. This provides a lasting record of your feedback and gives you access to your certificate of attendance.

How can I subscribe to the mailing list?

Please get in touch with Customer Services by sending an email with your details or calling +44 (0)20 7749 4730 and request to be added to the mailing list. You can also use our subscription form.

I no longer want to receive any marketing emails. How can I update my preferences?

Please get in touch with our Customer Services team by sending an email with your details or calling +44 (0)20 7749 4730 and request to be removed from the mailing list. You can also use the contact form here, and choose “I have an amendment to my mailing list details”.