In-house & bespoke training:
Health & Safety

Our online health & safety training courses offers a range of topics to help assist you in navigating all the vital aspects of ensuring your employees and workplace is safe. Whether it's your main priority or only a part of your overall internal responsibilities.

The importance of health & safety should never be underestimated by a business. This is a crucial area, with high consequences for mistakes, that often is not given the priority or attention it should receive.


Please note: full product details will be shown on our training portal IPI Academy where you can find out more and book

An Introduction to Health & Safety - how to identify and avoid safety management icebergs

In-house & bespoke training

An essential guide for directors, managers, and all those with health & safety responsibilities within a business.

Typically presented by Andy Farrall (bio)

Delivery: collaborative classroom

More @ IPI Academy

Facilities Management for Office Managers

In-house & bespoke training

An essential course for those responsible for facilities management within their business.

Rated by attendees to the public programme

Typically presented by Jodie Read (bio)

Delivery: collaborative classroom

More @ IPI Academy

Planning and Implementing a Health & Safety Policy

In-house & bespoke training

Every company needs to have a health & safety policy in place. If this is your area of responsibility, this webinar will give you the knowledge to put a policy together and to put it into practice.

Typically presented by Andy Farrall (bio)

Delivery: collaborative classroom

More @ IPI Academy

Workplace Accident Management and Investigation - from emergency planning to the final report

In-house & bespoke training

This masterclass will equip you with the skills and knowledge required to successfully manage an accident scene and undertake accident investigations in a workplace environment.

Typically presented by Andy Farrall (bio)

Delivery: collaborative classroom

More @ IPI Academy